Introducing: Keni Titus and her new single 'I Think I Got A Bad Idea'.
Introducing: Keni Titus and her new single 'I Think I Got A Bad Idea'.

Keni Titus finds herself in a constant state of evolution - her musical back catalogue utilised as a form of diary periodically archiving her years of growing up. Instead of notches and inches on a wall, her songs mark emotional milestones and valued relationships through these whirlwind years of her life, and she shares: "I think music documents growth in a really cool way."
Titus started writing before she could spell, and cites Hannah Montana as being one of the significant catalysts for her interest in music and "pop stardom" (and what that looks like in the year 2024).

COUP DE MAIN: What was running through your mind when you were writing your new track 'i think i got a bad idea’?
KENI TITUS: You know how after you get yelled at or in trouble, like the shakiness you feel? I wrote this song in the aftermath of that; when I started to feel sure of myself and confident again. I felt cheeky and fearless and girly and playful and happy after what had felt like a period of really heavy, dark energy.
CDM: I love the lyrics, "I braid my hair before bed, kind of believe in Jesus / And you smoke too many American Spirits," from your track 'american spirit' - do you have a lyric that you are most proud of writing?
KENI: Thank you :) For me it changes all the time honestly. One of my favourites off the top of my head is also from 'american spirit' where I say, “I’m not a patriot, but i’d fight a war for you." It’s very simple, but I can always relate to the idea of that. Loving someone so much you’d do anything for them. I love it. It’s romantic and insane.

CDM: What is your songwriting process like? Do you start from lyrics, melody, or something else entirely?
KENI: Honestly, it’s different every time. Usually though I’ll find a few chords that make me feel inspired and just play them over and over on the guitar and hum to them. Sometimes I skip the humming if I know what I want to talk about and just go straight to writing. I mostly write on acoustic guitar but lately I’ve been writing more on bass for some reason.
CDM: Do you have a favourite song of yours - released or unreleased?
KENI: I think my favourite at the moment is a song that’s not out yet called ‘take it off’. The subject matter is just something I’ve never really explored so I’m very excited about that one.

CDM: What can you tell us about upcoming Keni Titus music?
KENI: The music I'm making now feels much different than my last project to me. The difference between 20 years old (when I wrote the first project) and 22 is massive and I think music documents growth in a really cool way. If this project was a human girl she would be a girl sneaking out of her parent's house in the middle of the night to go see a boy. A small pink rose tucked into her dirty hair. Her favourite meal is steak with ketchup and a side of french fries.
CDM: Do you have any pipe dreams/goals/manifestations that you want to put out into the universe for the rest of 2024?
KENI: Hmmmm I would really just like to make more music that I’m proud of this year. Co-writing is a muscle I don’t really ever use so I would love to explore that. These two aren’t music related BUT I also want to spend more quality time with my friends and family and learn how to cook because I think it is time...
Watch Keni Titus' music video for 'I Think I Got A Bad Idea' below...