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5 things we learnt from Mini Mansions' first [and possibly only ever] Q&A.

5 things we learnt from Mini Mansions' first [and possibly only ever] Q&A.

After posting a solemn-looking photo on their social media profiles last week, Mini Mansions realised that they had inadvertently - "I didn’t mean to really do it" - kicked off an online Q&A session on the band’s official Instagram.

Among the things to be learnt from the Q&A, include the following important facts:

- 'Mirror Mountain' will be the next music video released.

- Mini Mansions own 5.5 suits (because "Zach left trousers in Vienna"). And yes, they wash them.

- Zach’s celebrity crush is Jennifer Lawrence.

- 'Fiona' is a B-side yet to be released.

- Zach’s favourite Arctic Monkeys album is 'Humbug' and his favourite song is 'Cornerstone'.

And if Zach will ever sing?
"Zacharys practicing".

Click HERE to read the full Q&A, as transcribed by the fan-site @minimansionsmusic.

Below, watch a recent interview with MM’s Zach...

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