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Interview: 2022 Must-Know - Dora Jar

Interview: 2022 Must-Know - Dora Jar

"It is essential to forgive yourself if you want to live a life that feels kind and beautiful," declares New Yorker Dora Jar as we discuss her music and forgiveness. Jar's music is a reminder of how perfectly sure of herself she is, with every one of her lyrics demanding to be heard.

"Big heart, little flame / Keep the candle lit," sings Jar in the opening track to her 2021 'Digital Meadow' EP. Through every floating lyric and harmonious vocal arrangement, Jar sets a scene. She constantly diverts expectation with the boisterous 'Multiply' outro as just one example of taking a route no one would expect. 

Jar first emerged into the world of music when she released her first single 'Did I Get It Wrong' in October 2020, with current stamps of approval from the likes of Billie Eilish and actress Florence Pugh. She is currently supporting Eilish on her world tour (even getting to play at Madison Square Garden before Eilish hit the stage), and Pugh has said of Jar's music: "Well this is pretty special. That voice? Runs up, down, everywhere!".

We recently chatted to Dora Jar via email to talk all things cinematic references, forgiveness, and what's next for her... 

MUST-LISTEN: 'Polly', 'Multiply', 'Garden'.
YOU WILL LIKE, IF YOU LIKE: Kacy Hill, Claud, Billie Eilish, Remi Wolf, Deb Never, Holly Humberstone... and embracing your inner mermaid.

COUP DE MAIN: Do you prefer to write from your own experience? Or write about something other than yourself?

CDM: What was running through your mind when you were writing 'Scab Song'?
DORA: I had a scab on my leg that looked like Hawaii and I was feeling sensual. I like the idea of somebody swimming on me. 

CDM : What song of yours do you think represents Dora Jar the most?
DORA: 'Multiply' is one hundred percent my spirit dancing. It felt joyful and free when I wrote it and I hope you feel joyful and free when you listen . 

CDM: In 'Wizard', you reference 'Alice In Wonderland' ("Like a rabbit running away / Singing 'I'm late, I'm late') - are there any other literary or film references that have inspired your music? 
DORA: I reference Jiminy Cricket from Pinnochio in my song 'Polly'. Both Jiminy and the white rabbit are the characters who change the fate of the main characters (Alice/Pinnochio) during their adventures. Jiminy represents Pinnochio’s conscience and the white rabbit represents Alice’s curiosity and leads her to discover what lies beyond her known universe. I want to be the Jiminy Cricket to your Pinnochio, the white rabbit to your Alice, take you somewhere you’ve never yet imagined and make you conscious of your dreams. 

CDM: When doing the tracklisting for the 'Digital Meadow' EP, was there a specific moment when you felt it was complete - like putting the last piece in a puzzle?
DORA: Yes, after I wrote 'Opening', I remembered this dream I had 2 years ago: I was driving up an almost vertical grassy hill with the windows down. When I stopped the car, bright green ferns were coming in through the windows and as they moved in the breeze they left a pixelated rainbow trail. Suddenly the words "Digital Meadow" came to me and I realized every song naturally belonged there. 

CDM: How valuable do you find forgiveness in your life?
DORA: It is essential to forgive yourself if you want to live a life that feels kind and beautiful. 

CDM: What do you think is the difference between a good song and a great song?
DORA: A good song can make you move physically, but a great song can make you move your mind as well. 

CDM: If D.O.R.A. were an acronym, what would each letter stand for?
DORA: Dreams occur; reality answers.

CDM: What is on your bucket-list?
DORA: Doodle everyday, road-trip with my favourite cuties to Yosemite, write an album, learn how to make baba ghanoush.

CDM: If you could steal one thing without consequence, what would it be?
DORA: Your heart.

CDM: You’re one of our 'must-know’ artist picks for 2022… who are yours?
DORA: Oklou, Tiana Major9, Remi Wolf, ML Buch, Hak Baker, Annika Bennet, Pa Salieu, Dijon.

CDM: What's next for you? Will you be touring this year?
DORA: My EP 'comfortably in pain' will come out late February. In March, I play 3 headline shows in the UK. I can’t wait to return, it is my second home. I hope to release a vinyl and lyric book. As I’m writing this, I’m about to leave for New Orleans to open up for Billie Eilish; a dream come true. I am deeply inspired by her and Finneas. It is such an honour. Also I hope to keep taking time for myself so I can become an even better guitar player and write a revolutionary album straight from my heart. Amen.

Watch Dora Jar's video for 'Polly' below... 

Check out more 2022 Must-Know artists here.

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