Phone a Friend: Advice from Peach PRC.
Phone a Friend: Advice from Peach PRC.

"My love language is all consuming infatuation followed by abrupt repulsion," tweeted Australian pop princess Peach PRC recently, equally as relatable online ("Dating me is like buying a broken computer that you think will be a fun project to fix but it turns out to be way more complicated than you thought so it just takes up space in your house until you give it to someone else to have a crack at") as she is in her crystalline breakout single, 'Josh' - in which she scathingly denounces an ex, "I'm exhaustеd always cutting you off / Stop calling me, Josh / And I don't wanna talk / When you're knockin' off, drunk at four o'clock / I thought you wеre blocked / Fuck off, stop calling me, Josh."
With over 1.2 million followers on TikTok, Peach PRC's candid takes on mental health and toxic relationships have clearly struck a chord, and she observes about her conversational songs that: "When writing my songs I kinda feel like I’m writing directly to the person as if it were a text or phone call, and that could be why I reference calls so much! But I write it as if it’s to the person and then let the listener decide who that person is for them." Peach PRC says cheekily in her debut single, 'Blondes', "Call your boyfriend / Play him this song," and it's not hard to envisage her searing break-up anthems as the emissary of many a Close Friends Instagram story or kiss-off break-up text. "I love bonding over a mutual piece of shit ex," she quipped recently.
"My favourite thing about writing songs is stringing the lyrics together," explains Peach PRC. "I love play-on-words and rhyming and it makes me feel so rewarded when I've managed to tell a story in a cohesive way while also still making it rhyme." She emphasises, "It’s my favourite thing in the world."
Officially your new favourite pink-haired confidante, Peach PRC is thoughtful in last year's 'Colourblind' - "I tried colouring you, changing your hue / To inspire something all new that I couldn't do" - which she says she wrote about her experiences with Synesthesia. "I have two types, one is kind of boring where I associate things like numbers, letters etc to colours and personalities, and then also with music and emotions with colours. So I tried to write it from the perspective of losing the vibrant colours that love feels and going back to black and white, while also incorporating the colours of the notes I was singing."
In full creative control of the music video for breakout single 'Josh' ("Every creative step along the way was entirely my vision, from writing the music video script, to the lyrics and everything in between"), Peach PRC says, "The music video was a dream come true, I've been waiting my whole life to do something like this and I feel like everyone at some point has put their headphones in and put their head on the car window and pretended they were in a music vid haha. So doing it for real was such a surreal experience and I had the time of my life."
And as for the future? "My upcoming plans are to keep making more fun songs and telling my little stories and having fun while doing it, and hopefully, other people have the same kind of fun listening. I also can’t wait to travel and perform live and meet everyone - it’s going to be unreal."
1: Tell yourself things will happen and watch them happen. When I was a dancer I would set my goal at the start of the night and even if I was aiming high and it felt unrealistic, if I said I was going to make $1000, I would make $1000. I said I was going to be a popstar and I'm making it happen as we speak.
2: Don't waste energy cringing about things you’ve said and done in the past. I always say, think about the last time you saw someone say or do something embarrassing around you, you probably can't! No one is thinking about that awkward thing you did 7 years ago.
3: Don't take life too seriously, it’s whatever you want it to be, so make it a game. I treat life like a video game and customise my avatar to be a pink sparkly fairy bimbo 'cuz it's fun! Nothing is ever that serious.
Listen to the acoustic version of 'Josh' below...