Pale Waves' Heather Baron-Gracie covers Harry Styles' 'Falling'.
Pale Waves' Heather Baron-Gracie covers Harry Styles' 'Falling'.
April 16, 2020 | by Shahlin Graves

Pale Waves frontwoman Heather Baron-Gracie has taken to her newly embraced TikTok account today to share a cover of Harry Styles' lovelorn song 'Falling'.
Watch the cover below...
And some lockdown advice from Baron-Gracie too:
📚 Some advice on how to stay connected while staying home, reading recommendations + other helpful ideas from @palewaves' @HBARONGRACIE 🖤
More here ➡️— 🔮 Coup De Main ✨ (@coupdemain) April 5, 2020
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